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This Man Has Been Blessed With A Digital Reset Button

Because COVID has made it impossible for me to go to in-person networking events, I decided to use networking apps for the time being, specifically Bumble and Shapr.

Last month, I met a particularly overeager coach and podcaster on Bumble.

This is how our whole interaction basically went down.

He started off with an interesting question, “Do you believe in work-life balance?” I took the time to listen to one of his recent podcast episodes and gave him a compliment. We segued into talking about my unhealthy situation of always feeling the need to work and be productive (that I'm slowly getting better on). He offered me to join his coaching program. All of that happened in only six lengthy text exchanges.

Of course, given that he was still practically a complete stranger to me, I turned him down.

The next day, he disappeared from my chat log.

I think he broke the record of attempting to make a quick sale quicker than any MLM person I’ve met. At least MLM people have the courtesy to have a virtual coffee chat with me first.

Ironically, he’s been granted a digital reset button and we crossed paths again a few days ago on the other app, Shapr. From the looks of things, it seems like he doesn’t remember our first encounter.

It’ll be interesting to see where our conversation goes now that he doesn’t know that I know we met before.

And if he pulls the same thing again, instead of letting him off the hook, I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine and counter-quick-sell him my "How to Become an Email Titan" book, which mainly teaches building relationships first, then selling through email.

I think he can learn a new thing or two.

But enough about him.

If you want to learn more about that, you can check out the sample chapters of the $20 retail value book here.

About the author:

Hi, I'm Ellisen and I'm a copywriter. I help businesses make more sales by building relationships with their audience through old fashioned email. If you found this reading helpful, there are more tips like these waiting to be read at When you go there, you can opt in for daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips. I'll also send you free sample chapters of my $20 retail value book called "How to Become an Email Titan." It teaches you how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through my blog and listen to my audios for more marketing content.